Browsing by Author "Aydın, Zafer"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
3-State Protein Secondary Structure Prediction based on SCOPe Classes
Atasever, Sema; Azgınoglu, Nuh; Erbay, Hasan; Aydın, Zafer (INST TECNOLOGIA PARANARUA PROF ALGACYR MUNHOZ MADER 3775-CIC, 81350-010 CURITIBA-PARANA, BRAZIL, 2021)Abstract Improving the accuracy of protein secondary structure prediction has been an important task in bioinformatics since it is not only the starting point in obtaining tertiary structure in hierarchical modeling but ... -
A crowdsourced analysis to identify ab initio molecular signatures predictive of susceptibility to viral infection
Fourati, Slim; Talla, Aarthi; Mahmoudian, Mehrad; Burkhart, Joshua G.; Klén, Riku; Henao, Ricardo; Yu, Thomas; Aydın, Zafer; Yeung, Ka Yee; Ahsen, Mehmet Eren; Almugbel, Reem; Jahandideh, Samad; Liang, Xiao; Nordling, Torbjörn E.M.; Shiga, Motoki; Stanescu, Ana; Vogel, Robert; Pandey, The Respiratory Viral DREAM Challenge Consortium# , Gaurav; Chiu, Christopher; McClain, Micah T.; Woods, Christopher W.; Ginsburg, Geoffrey S.; Elo, Laura L.; Tsalik, Ephraim L.; Mangravite, Lara M.; Sieberts, Solveig K. (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND, 2018)The response to respiratory viruses varies substantially between individuals, and there are currently no known molecular predictors from the early stages of infection. Here we conduct a community-based analysis to determine ... -
Kolon Polipleri için Kolonoskopi ve Histopatoloji Görüntülerinden Yapay Zekâ Destekli Prognostik Belirteç Tespiti
Yılmaz, Bülent; Akay, Ebru; Doğan, Serkan; Aydın, Zafer; Dogan, Refika Sultan; Yengec-Tasdemir, Sena Busra; Güzel, Ömer Faruk (ELEKTRİK, ELEKTRONİK VE ENFORMATİK ARAŞTIRMA DESTEK GRUBU GRUBU: EEEAG, 2023)Kolon kanseri vakalarının çoğu kolon mukozasında anormal hücre çoğalmasından kaynaklanan poliplerle başlar. Bu projede Kayseri Şehir Hastanesi gastroenteroloji kliniğine gelen 201 hastada tespit edilen poliplere dair ... -
Network intrusion detection based on machine learning strategies: performance comparisons on imbalanced wired, wireless, and software-defined networking (SDN) network traffics
Hacılar, Hilal; Aydın, Zafer; Güngör, Vehbi Çağrı (Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2024)The rapid growth of computer networks emphasizes the urgency of addressing security issues. Organizations rely on network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and theft. ... -
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Applications on High Performance Computing Systems
Aydın, Zafer (Akademik Perspektif Derneği, 2020)Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly important to use the most efficient and most suitable computational resources for algorithmic tools that extract meaningful information from big data and make smart decisions. In this ... -
ROSE: A Novel Approach for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
Görmez, Yasin; Aydın, Zafer (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)Three-dimensional structure of protein gives important information about protein’s function. Since it is time-consuming and costly to find the structure of protein by experimental methods, estimation of three-dimensional ... -
Sample Reduction Strategies for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
Atasever, Sema; Aydın, Zafer; Erbay, Hasan; Sabzekar, Mostafa (MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2019)Predicting the secondary structure from protein sequence plays a crucial role in estimating the 3D structure, which has applications in drug design and in understanding the function of proteins. As new genes and proteins ... -
Sentiment Analizinde Öznitelik Düşürme Yöntemlerinin Oto Kodlayıcılı Derin Öğrenme Makinaları ile Karşılaştırılması
Kaynar, Oğuz; Aydın, Zafer; Görmez, Yasin (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2017)-- Günümüz teknolojisinde internetin her kesim tarafından çok yoğun olarak kullanılmasından dolayı insanlar artık görüş, fikir ve hislerini sosyal paylaşım siteleri, forum, blog benzeri birçok ortam aracılığı ile paylaşmaya ... -
Zenginleştirilmiş Öznitelikler ve Makine Öğrenmesi Yöntemleriyle Protein Yerel Yapı Tahmini
Aydın, Zafer (TUBİTAK, 2017)Projenin amacı proteinlerde bulunan ikincil yapı, dihedral açı ve çözücü erişilirlik gibi bir boyutlu yapısal özelliklerin başarılı olarak tahmin edilmesi ve bu tahminleri kullanarak parçacık seçimi yapan yeni bir yöntem ...