Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Author "Demir, Abdullah"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Structural Cable Analysis
Dincer, A. Ersin; Demir, Abdullah (MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2020)In this study, a numerical model is proposed for the analysis of a simply supported structural cable. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)-a mesh-free, Lagrangian method with advantages for analysis of highly deformable ... -
Ardıl Baraj Yıkılmasının Mansapta Bulunan Elastik Yapı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Yapı-Sıvı Etkileşim Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah (Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2020)Bu çalışmada yazarlar tarafından geliştirilen bir yapı-sıvı etkileşim yöntemi idealize edilmişardıl baraj yıkılması problemi için test edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda geliştirilen yöntemde, sıvı kısımyumuşatılmış tanecik ... -
Batık Minarelerde Su Seviyesinin Yapıya Olan Etkisinin Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi
Demir, Abdullah; Dinçer, Ali Ersin (Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2021)Baraj göllerinin, sular altında bıraktığı yerleşim yerlerinin, su üstünde kalan son mirasları minarelerdir. Türkiye’de iki adet batık minare bulunmaktadır ve su üstünden görülebilmeleri ile cazibe merkezleri haline ... -
A cleaner demolition scheduling methodology considering dust dispersion: A case study for a post-earthquake region
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah; Dilmen, Omer (ELSEVIER, 2024)In the present century, pollution is a primary concern for billions, prompting governments to advocate cleaner ways of production. Demolition activity is often an indispensable solution for structures that have completed ... -
Comparative analysis of hybrid geothermal-solar systems and solar PV with battery storage: Site suitability, emissions, and economic performance
Fedakar, Halil Ibrahim; Dinçer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah (ELSEVIER, 2024)Renewable energy integration has become a critical focus in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and diversify energy sources. In regions with distinct geographic features, such as Türkiye, combining different ... -
Efficient disaster waste management: identifying suitable temporary sites using an emission-aware approach after the Kahramanmaras earthquakes
Demir, Abdullah; Dinçer, Ersin (SPRINGER, 2023)The clean and sustainable disposal of waste generated by natural disasters is crucial for effective disaster waste management. The initial stages of waste management involve determining the quantity of waste and identifying ... -
A Fully Coupled Numerical Model for Unbonded Post-tensioned Timber Structures
Dinçer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah (SPRINGER LINK, 2024)The paper presents a fully Lagrangian mesh-free solver to simulate the dynamic behavior of post-tensioned timber structures. Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is employed to model both the timber ... -
Hydro-elastic analysis of standing submerged structures under seismic excitations with SPH-FEM approach
Demir, Abdullah (LATIN AMER J SOLIDS STRUCTURES, UNIV SAO PAULO, GROUP SOLID MECHANICS & STRUCTURAL IMPACT, SAO PAULO, 05508-900, BRAZIL, 2020)In this paper, a fully coupled fluid structure interaction (FSI) method is used to investigate the hydro-elastic response of a fully submerged standing structure under seismic excitations. Two different domains (solid and ... -
Methods for multi-segment continuous cable analysis
Demir, Abdullah; Polat, Uğur (Tulpar Academic Publishing, 2023)Cables are invaluable members for some applications of engineering. The specialty is due to its behavior under transverse loads. Having almost no rigidity in transverse direction makes cables different from other structural ... -
Multi-objective turbine allocation on a wind farm site
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah; Yılmaz, K. (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2024)The Multi-Objective Turbine Allocation (MOTA) method is introduced as a novel approach for wind farm layout optimization and site selection. By incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and the Analytical ... -
A novel method for the site selection of large-scale PV farms by using AHP and GIS: A case study in İzmir, Türkiye
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Yilmaz, Kutay (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2023)Effective and sustainable climate-friendly policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the 2020 European Green Deal are necessary. Accordingly, renewable energies assumed a critical role, rendering the ... -
A Novel Procedure for the AHP Method for the Site Selection of Solar PV Farms
Demir, Abdullah; Dinçer, Ali Ersin; Yilmaz, Kutay (Wiley-Hindawi, 2024)This study proposes a novel approach to enhance the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the selection of suitable sites for solar photovoltaic (PV) farms. This approach is particularly beneficial when it is possible to ... -
Numerical and experimental investigation of sloshing in a water tank with a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction method
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Ozturk, Sevki; Kazaz, Ilker (INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTDWORLD TRADE CENTER BLDG, 29 ROUTE DE PRE-BOIS, CASE POSTALE 856, CH-1215 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 2021)In the present study, the harmonic movement of fluid flow and the behaviour of elastic structure under this movement are investigated. Accordingly, a recently developed fluid-structure interaction method in which fluid and ... -
Numerical investigation of sloshing with baffles having different elasticities
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin (Tulpar Academic Publishing, 2020)Liquid tanks are indispensable members of civil engineering structures like liquidpetroleum gas storage tanks and aerospace structures. Fluids can act unpredictablyunder earthquake excitation or dynamic loads. Loads applied ... -
Wind farm site selection using GIS-based multicriteria analysis with Life cycle assessment integration
Demir, Abdullah; Dinçer, Ali Ersin; Çiftçi, Cihan; Gülçimen, Sedat; Uzal, Nigmet; Yılmaz, Kutay (SPRINGER, 2024)The sustainability of wind power plants depends on the selection of suitable installation locations, which should consider not only economic and technical factors including manufacturing and raw materials, but also issues ...