Mimarlık Fakültesi
Güncel Gönderiler
Enhancing Oil Rejection in PVDF and PSF membranes: The Role of SiO2 NPs
(WILEY, 2025)Oily water negatively affects both land and marine ecosystems. To combat this, membrane production can effectively treat oil waste and recycle over 90% of it. This study compares the influence of SiO2 nanoparticles on oil ... -
(Geleneksel Yayıncılık, 2024)Kırsal alanlar, toplumların yerel ve geleneksel yaşam pratikleri, üretim ve tüketim alışkanlıkları ve somut olmayan değerleri ile ilişkili biçimde üretilen doğal ve yapay çevrelerdir. Yerin topografik özellikleri doğrultu- ... -
An insight into architectural design studio education space from a "time" perspective
(MEHMET TOPÇU, 2024)This study offers a comprehensive literature review of the evolution of design studio education, focusing on the integration of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies. The research ... -
Enhancing the freeze thaw resistance of pozzolanic lime mortars by optimising the dewatering process
(SPRINGER, 2024)Freeze–thaw weathering is commonly attributed to the premature degradation of lime mortars. This study is unique as it explores how the effect of incorporating pozzolanic brick dust, combined with the dewatering mechanism, ... -
Addressing the Modern Regimes of Urban Spectacle: Revisiting the Ottoman General Exhibition of 1863 in Istanbul
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2022)One of the most spectacular events of the Ottoman experience of modernity was the inauguration of the Ottoman General Exposition in Istanbul in 1863. The ancient Hippodrome, which is one of the most prominent venues of the ... -
Piezoresistivity and piezopermittivity of cement-based sensors under quasi-static stress and changing moisture
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)Integrated cement-based sensors offer an economic alternative to extrinsic sensors for health monitoring applications in concrete structures due to their high strength to cost ratio, geometrical versatility, low shrinkage, ... -
Re-exploring the Kayseri Culture Route by Using Deep Learning for Cultural Heritage Image Classification Cultural Heritage Image Classification by Using Deep Learning: Kayseri Culture Route
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2024)The categorization of images captured during the documentation of architectural structures is a crucial aspect of preserving cultural heritage in digital form. Dealing with a large volume of images makes this categorization ... -
Analysis of mosaic mortars from the Roman, Byzantine and Early Islamic periods sourced from Gerasa’s Northwest Quarter
(SPRINGER OPEN, 2024)This study analyses and compares around 650 years of mosaic mortar production spanning the Roman, late Roman and Umayyad periods, at Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan, offering a better understanding of composition, structural ... -
"What if you are a medieval monarch?": A Crusader Kings III experience to learn medieval history
(De Gruyter, 2022)This chapter is about the authors' experiences and observations on a blended world history course that combines classical lecture and discussion components of teaching with video game sessions. The students play strategy ... -
Determination of Factors Affecting International Students’ Satisfaction Levels Using CHAID Analysis
(Journal of University Research, 2024)Internationalization has recently been a core element for higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide. Various components provide internationalization in HEIs. However, international students stand out from the others ... -
Social and Spatial Equity/Equality in Relation to High-Speed Trains: Lessons from Turkey’s High-Speed Train Experience
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023)In the twentieth century, high-speed trains (HSTs) were added to the choice of transportation modes in Japan and Europe, and in the twenty-first century HST networks in developing countries have been advanced. It is planned ... -
The role of spatal planning for sustainable tourism development: A theoretical model for Turkey
(Institute for Tourism, 2012)Planning concept is an important concept for realizing the benefits of the tourism sector for localities, public and environment. Planning is a broad term covering several stages from national strategic decisions to unique ... -
The evaluation of the integration of industrial heritage areas to urban landscape: The case study of sumerbank kayseri cotton factory
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2015)The aim of this study is to develop an urban design strategy for the revitalization of post-industrial areas and the railway line in Kayseri–an industrialized city in Central Anatolia, Turkey. With the developments in ... -
Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage: Resilience or irreparable loss?
(Docomomo, 2016)The restoration and adaptive reuse of industrial heritage buildings and complexes, which present structurally and functionally resilient shells, provide us with an interesting dilemma in theory and practice: made of hard ... -
On their way home ... a network analysis of medieval caravanserai distribution in the syrian region, according to an 1D approach
(Archaeopress, 2016)The common theory on caravanserais states that they were built at one-day's march distance from each other. Such a pattern may fit some situations, but it does not seem to be present in Syria during the Ayyubid (1174-1260 ... -
Kinetic rosette patterns and tessellations
(Wit Press, 2017)The paper investigates the possibility to create kinetic rosette patterns and their tessellations by means of modular linkages which rely on the same type and number of symmetry operations as the reference models. The ... -
Educating Masses: The Committee of Union and Progress Clubs and Schools in the Late Ottoman Empire
(Routledge, 2022)This article examines the social and architectural context of an extensive building campaign in Turkey in the early twentieth cen-tury. The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), one of the Second Constitutional Period’s ... -
Determination of the acoustical performance of multipurpose music classrooms
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)It is important to analyse the multipurpose music classrooms (MMCs), where active teaching and music practice are held in the same space, with an eligible acoustical parameter set. In the current study, three different ... -
Bidding for Olympic and Paralympic games, a tool for transportation investments and tourism? The case of Istanbul
(Routledge, 2023)Since the start of the modern Olympic Games, and more recently the Paralympic Games, urban development linked to this mega-event has changed: the mono-stadium model typical of the early modern Games has been replaced by ... -
Tekerlekli Sandalye Kullanıcılarına Yönelik Engelsiz Yaşam Alanı Projesi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2023)Engelli bireyler için geliştirilebilecek çözümler ve tasarlanacak uygun donanım ve ekipmanlarla onların herhangi bir yardım almadan yaşamlarına devam etmeleri sağlanabilir. Bu tür düzenlemeler yasal bir zorunluluktan dolayı ...