Now showing items 1-4 of 4
No Strings Attached: Understanding Turkey’s Arms Exports to Africa
(Routledge, 2024)
Turkey’s defence industries have shown significant development in recent years. But the limited domestic market and the financial crisis created sustainability problems for the industry. To increase its arms sales, Turkey ...
Determination of Factors Affecting International Students’ Satisfaction Levels Using CHAID Analysis
(Journal of University Research, 2024)
Internationalization has recently been a core element for higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide. Various components provide internationalization in HEIs. However, international students stand out from the others ...
Ein Vorschlag zur Auslegung Herbarts Versuch einer Begründung der Pädagogik
(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2024)
Herbart gehört zu den wichtigsten Gründern der Sozialpädagogik. Angelehnt an Kant stellt er zwei Fragen; was wissen wir und was sollen wir tun. Im Gegensatz zum Kants Idealismus vertritt Herbarts eine realistische Pädagogik. ...
Proximity or Directional Model of Voting for the Turkish Voter?
Voting behavior is a very complex type of political behavior. Therefore, understanding why voters vote for
a particular political party or a candidate requires developing complex models. In 1957, Anthony Downs,
who built ...