Browsing Mimarlık Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 14-33 of 57
Değişen Yükseköğretim Sistemini Sosyokültürel ve Mekânsal Bağlamlarda Yeniden Düşünmek
(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2020)Eğitim-öğretim ve araştırma-geliştirme; toplumların ilerlemesinde ve gelişmesinde vazgeçilmez bir unsurdur. Üniversiteler bu işlevleri en üst düzeyde karşılayan kurumlar olmakla birlikte, değişen sosyokültürel yapı ve ... -
Değişen Yükseköğretim Sistemini Sosyokültürel ve Mekânsal Bağlamlarda Yeniden Düşünmek
(DEOMED PUBL, ISTANBUL, GUR SOK 7-B, FIKIRTEPE 34720 KADIKOY, ISTANBUL, 00000, TURKEY, 2020)Education and research are vital for social development and progress. The changing sociocultural structures and new needs have resulted in some important functional changes in higher education systems with a deep impact ... -
Determination of Factors Affecting International Students’ Satisfaction Levels Using CHAID Analysis
(Journal of University Research, 2024)Internationalization has recently been a core element for higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide. Various components provide internationalization in HEIs. However, international students stand out from the others ... -
Determination of the acoustical performance of multipurpose music classrooms
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)It is important to analyse the multipurpose music classrooms (MMCs), where active teaching and music practice are held in the same space, with an eligible acoustical parameter set. In the current study, three different ... -
Educating Masses: The Committee of Union and Progress Clubs and Schools in the Late Ottoman Empire
(Routledge, 2022)This article examines the social and architectural context of an extensive building campaign in Turkey in the early twentieth cen-tury. The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), one of the Second Constitutional Period’s ... -
Enhancing the freeze thaw resistance of pozzolanic lime mortars by optimising the dewatering process
(SPRINGER, 2024)Freeze–thaw weathering is commonly attributed to the premature degradation of lime mortars. This study is unique as it explores how the effect of incorporating pozzolanic brick dust, combined with the dewatering mechanism, ... -
The evaluation of the integration of industrial heritage areas to urban landscape: The case study of sumerbank kayseri cotton factory
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2015)The aim of this study is to develop an urban design strategy for the revitalization of post-industrial areas and the railway line in Kayseri–an industrialized city in Central Anatolia, Turkey. With the developments in ... -
Evolution of Office Space in Cinema and Television
(YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIV, FAC ARCHITECTUREMerkez Yerlesim, Besiktas, istanbul, 34349, TURKEY, 2021)After capitalism, the emergence of factories separated home and work from each other. In the early years of capitalism, the workspace was the production space where business used material labour extensively. In the following ... -
Evolution of Production Spaces: A Historical Review for Projecting Smart Factories
(KONYA TECHNICAL UNIV, 2023)Factories are transforming not only mechanically and technologically but also architecturally due to emerging developments in the industry and fabrication: This new process, called the Second Machine Age or Industry 4.0, ... -
Grey Spaces: Transitory Spaces in Liquid Modernity
(DergiPark, KARE - International Comparative Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy, 2020)In the global age of today, while our lives are constantly dragged from one place to another, we consume places temporarily. It is also difficult to establish a connection with these places during short-term relationships. ... -
History-themed games in history education: Experiences on a blended world history course
(IEEE/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)In this paper we explain our experiences and observations on a blended world history course which combines classical lecture and discussion elements as well as video game sessions in which the students play strategy video ... -
Impact of high speed railway systems on inter-regional trips and accessibility in turkey
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2020)High-speed trains are faster, safer, more comfortable than road transport for trips of 250–1000 kilometers. Accordingly, a significant increase has been observed in inter-city railway transport following the construction ... -
Kinetic rosette patterns and tessellations
(Wit Press, 2017)The paper investigates the possibility to create kinetic rosette patterns and their tessellations by means of modular linkages which rely on the same type and number of symmetry operations as the reference models. The ... -
(Mehmet Dursun Erdem, 2015)Kültürel Mimari miras kavramı Uluslararası Anıtlar ve Sitler Konseyi tarafından kentsel koruma literatürüne son zamanlarda girmiş bir kavramdır. Sürdürülebilirlik ilkesi gereği kültür varlıkları ile sit alanlarının ... -
Large transformations with moderate strains of tensile membrane structures
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2017)Using a classical non-linear theory, we analytically investigate possible ways for transforming the shape of a curved elastic membrane while keeping it tensioned and moderately strained. This is a critical issue because, ... -
Life Cycle Assessment of Internal Wall Panels: A Case Study of Sumerbank Kayseri Textile Factory Restoration Process
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2023)This study presents a case study that aims to select the ideal internal wall panel option causing less environmental impact for the Sumerbank Kayseri Textile Factory restoration process, which is now used as part of ... -
The new visual culture in eighteenth-century Istanbul: building up new shore kiosks and gardens on the outskirts of the royal palace
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2020)This article examines the construction and expansion of a less-known royal shore kiosk complex in Istanbul, namely the Shore Palace near the Cannon Gate (Topkapisi Sahil Sarayi) or Summer Harem, which was built on the ... -
On their way home ... a network analysis of medieval caravanserai distribution in the syrian region, according to an 1D approach
(Archaeopress, 2016)The common theory on caravanserais states that they were built at one-day's march distance from each other. Such a pattern may fit some situations, but it does not seem to be present in Syria during the Ayyubid (1174-1260 ... -
Piezoresistivity and piezopermittivity of cement-based sensors under quasi-static stress and changing moisture
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)Integrated cement-based sensors offer an economic alternative to extrinsic sensors for health monitoring applications in concrete structures due to their high strength to cost ratio, geometrical versatility, low shrinkage, ... -
Power, conflict and negotiation between the agents: an alternative vision for contestation on the public space in the late Ottoman empire
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2019)This article posits the territorial claim and control of the Ottoman government in the city centre by analyzing confrontations and conflicts of the state with the other agents via critical examination of a provincial case ...